Our God, YHWH Sabaoth, is LORD of Armies, LORD of Hosts, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, YHWH Elohim, One God in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are His sons, grafted into the indestructible root of Israel, His Chosen People. We stand with Israel, celebrate YHWH’s feasts and our Hebrew roots and are in the process of taking back everything Constantine stole.
We are passionate worshippers of this one and only true God. YHWH, the Covenant-Keeping God of Israel, is up to something– to restore everything that Adam and Eve lost. Yeshua, the Son, became a man and died on a cross, resurrected and ascended to Heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father to rule and reign as King of Kings and LORD of lords. He so loved the world that He paid the ultimate price of redemption for all mankind so that we could be restored to our Heavenly Father as sons and daughters –the Bride of Yeshua.
We are now seated with Him in Heavenly Places at the right hand of the Father to rule and reign with Yeshua. Our mission is to do our part in the battle with the kingdom of darkness through prayer, training, equipping and spiritual warfare to unlock the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
We are totally committed to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
There are places that even sons won’t go, but the Bride of Messiah will go. He came to set the captives free – all who want to be free, every tribe, tongue, people and nation, no matter how deep the bondage is. We were born for this battle and are about doing our Father’s business through the power of the blood of Yeshua, His name and the Holy Spirit.
We are covenant keepers.
The Chattanooga House of Zion has become more of a Corporate Bride of Christ than a local home group. Although we are spread around the US, we are connected by a passionate desire to go beyond where we have ever gone into the Final New Wineskin of the Spirit and the Bride. We just want to live like Mary of Bethany who sat at His feet and listened to His words, willing and determined to pour out all she was and had to Him. Nothing else mattered to her.
We host worship & training gatherings as Father instructs, including one large national gathering per year. Robby Cummings, our lead worshiper, and Beyond the Veil band usher us into the presence of YHWH everyone is invited.
Everything is in awesome transition right now. Father reminded me that I am not going to live forever (on this earth) and instructed me to write, teach, train and pass what He has taught me. So I am in process of walking out that mandate
I was also reminded that one of Israel’s biggest problems and the one that still plagues not only them but the whole world was that they refused to tear down the High Places of occult worship and human sacrifices. We are also receiving His mandate to cleanse the land from a whole deeper perspective – from the center of the earth to the highest heavens. That includes every layer of human habitation on the land and possibly even the magnitude of evil of fallen angels and Nephalim!
We try very hard to only say what Father is saying and do what we see Him doing.
If He is quickening you to join with us financially, you may do so online as instructed below, or mail us a check.
Please make your checks payable: His Warrior Bride
You may mail them to:
PO BOX 8273
Chattanooga, TN37411
To donate online please use the button below:
If you would like more information about our ministry or the House of Zion or if you would like to be put on our mailing list, please use our contact page.